Proof Latino Families Really Can’t Hold Back When It Comes To Easter Photos
Our parents never need an excuse to take cheesy and over-the-top photos of us. But, nothing compares to the kind of photos our parents take of us when it comes to Easter. Cue the bunny ears, scattered eggs, and very unnatural poses they come up with to make sure they have the photo to show off to las tías.
Easter is upon us so that means we will be seeing our families set up not oh-so-natural photoshoots.

In a few years this kid’s mom will probably use this photo to embarrass him to his significant other.
They’re always trying to recreate baby photos no matter how old you are.

Just look at his face. Only one person is enjoying this and it’s probably the person behind the camera.
They’re quick to throw their rules about getting your clothes dirty out of the window for the “perfect” shot.
What’s a little grass stain for an Easter photo, right? Heaven forbid you get one while playing in the yard on any other day.
Our parents also don’t care how grumpy you get because this is super important, okay mija.
The poor kid is about to burst a vein he’s so angry. Meanwhile, his mom is probably like, “Awwww this is so cute!”
Then there’s always that one primo that takes things too far and offends the family.

Not cool, dude. But it is kind of hilarious.
Obviously, there are going to be some “topical” photos this year.

Like who thought hey, let me put chocolate eggs in my hair. Why? But great hair.
Did we already mention the super natural poses? It’s good enough to mention twice.

I mean, who wouldn’t want to take a bunch of photos of this little angel? We all know that we can’t wait to do this kind of stuff to our little primos and primas as soon as we are allowed to be together again.
Got a younger sibling? Then you’ll definitely get a matching outfit photo.

I have more than a few. It is literally one of the most annoying points of Easter Sunday.
But, it is truly all worth it when you see mom turn her attention to the cutest member of the family and it all makes sense.
If dressing us up and taking photos makes her half as excited as when we do it to the family pet, then so be it. ❤️