Valentine’s Day is just a few days away, which means that if you’re single, you might be taking a good, hard look at the state of your love life. If, like many of us, you’ve spent the past year focusing on your own growth and self-development, then you might be ready to jump back into the dating pool. 

But if you feel off your game or unsure of how to proceed in this brand new, post-COVID world of dating, fear not! We’ve employed the help of Jorge Lozano H. to give us the do’s and don’ts of finding love in 2021.

Jorge Lozano H. is a best-selling author, speaker, and dating expert who knows exactly how challenging this new dating scene is–but he also knows how fun it can be. Lozano shared his tips and tricks with us on how to attract “the one” in 2021. Check out his advice below!

1. Spend More Time on Dating Apps

We know, we know. There are about a million-and-one dating apps out there. But it’s a simple fact that you can’t find something if you’re not looking for it. Download one or two dating apps and commit to spending time and effort on finding a viable match (so, no mindless swiping).

If you feel like the sheer number of options is too overwhelming, try out a dating app that narrows down the dating pool by common interests–like Chispa, the dating app specifically made for millenial Latinos. 

2. Confidence is Key

It’s tempting to approach every date with a pessimistic mindset. Sure, there’s “plenty of fish in the sea,” but there’s also plenty of duds in the sea as well. Lozano suggest looking on the bright side by trying out positive affirmations.

“Go into every virtual date with a positive mindset by repeating these eight words when you need a confidence boost: ‘I want, I can, and I deserve it,'” he says.

3. Build meaningful connections

Lozano suggests creating “emotional anchors” during your conversation with you date in order to make meaningful, memorable connections. Lozano suggests bonding over common interests like similar tastes in music or the favorite Banderas you have in common.

4. Don’t be a “bad texter”

Even if a potential partner is head-over-heels for you, that doesn’t give you an excuse to be a bad texter (i.e. giving low-effort, one-word responses). “Elaborate, ask questions and show interest so your potential novio/a will keep you in mind at all times,” says Lozano.

5. Flirt with finesse

If you’re wondering why none of your matches are graduating to the next step, like a FaceTime date or a virtual date, it might be because you’re not giving them much to work with. “Coquetear adds an extra spice to any conversation,” says Lozano. He suggests using three universally-beloved topics to keep the convo going: food, pets, and (pre-Covid) travel of course.

Now that you’re armed with Lozano’s great advice, you’re ready to take on the 2021 dating scene with renewed confidence. Now head out there and find your soulmate!