Being a Latino in the US means countless different things. Every story, every experience is different and personal accounts range from coming here at a young age, to coming from a Latin American country a few years ago, to being born in the US to immigrant parents. mitú challenges you to share your own story in a social media post, a meme, or any way you feel most comfortable, and post it on your favorite social channel using #WeAreAmerica. Together, we will create a beautiful portrait of what it means to be Latino in the US."/>

“You can’t expect things to just happen, you have to go out and get them.” That’s what got Ingrid Lopez of Pueblo, CO to get back on track to college after a severe addiction to drugs. After nearly losing everything, this 18-year-old decided to give it another shot. She started with baby steps. She signed up for her first class and passed it in a week. From there, there were no limits.

Being a Latino in the US means countless different things. Every story, every experience is different and personal accounts range from coming here at a young age, to coming from a Latin American country a few years ago, to being born in the US to immigrant parents. mitú challenges you to share your own story in a social media post, a meme, or any way you feel most comfortable, and post it on your favorite social channel using #WeAreAmerica. Together, we will create a beautiful portrait of what it means to be Latino in the US.

#WeAreAMERICA: Sadness and Disappointment Is Temporary – mitú