There is one thing that will always deliver, even during a pandemic: fights. Even while the world is on lockdown and a virus is spreading, people can still find a way to get into a fight. This fight comes to you from a Home Depot in Florida.

A fight broke out at a Home Depot parking lot in Florida.

The fight took place at a Home Depot in Tampa and the fight itself is wild. Four men are in a melee and the more you watch it, the wilder it gets. First, you notice the wildly swinging paint cans. Paint is flying and you are all wondering how in the world the people hit with the paint cans are still standing. Then you realize that the pickup truck is in the splash zone. Next thing you know, one of the men is going after someone with a shovel. Yes. A shovel that you use to dig holes with. It truly is a wild ride and it has left the Internet wanting answers. Most of all, why?

If you come across it with no warning on Twitter, the video is a lot to process.

How did this fight start? Who threw the first punch? What is there to fight over in Home Depot? There are so many questions watching this fight. It can’t be possible that the best way for this fight to go off includes paint flying everywhere.

The guy with the shovel is the sleeper in this fight.

Everything is already so crazy that you aren’t sure what to take in first. Then, out of nowhere, a shovel rises straight into the air and all of your focus goes right to it. The man slams it down hard and it isn’t clear if he hit his intended target.

Some people, while not surprised, are still just done with Florida right now.

Florida has this reputation to always draw attention to itself and never for the right reasons. This fight in the time of Covid-19 is just the latest iteration of the Florida we have come to know. From politics to bizarre moments, Florida is a frontrunner in the race to be the wildest state.

On the other side, there are people who literally cannot wait until something like this comes out of Florida.

Social media is a crazy world. There are things happening on there that you would never believe would actually happen. Yet, social media is there to take the craziness of the world and serve it right up to you on a silver platter.

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