Video Of A Sweet Mama Bear Struggling To Get Her Cubs Across Busy Road Goes Viral
It’s often said that a mother’s work is never done. A recent roadblock that occurred in Winsted, Connecticut is proof that this saying holds true beyond the human species. A woman in Connecticut witnessed this for herself when she came across a mother bear attempting to wrangle her four distractible cubs across a road.
The woman captured the sweet moment of the mother and cubs crossing a road.
“First, I thought one baby had been struck by a car. I came back 15 minutes later to realize mama was simply trying to get all four babies to cross the street together! I can relate as a mom of four myself!” the driver explained to ViralHog.
Fortunately, when the woman drove back and checked on the mother bear and her cubs she watched them finally make the journey across the road.
The footage of the mother bear shows her attempting to move her cubs across the street, picking each up in her mouth one by one.
The video shows the mother working quickly, and with the patience of a saint, as she manages to get one cub across, only for one or two of her other cubs to trackback. During the process, the cubs prance around the road, attempt to play with their mother, climb a tree while also return to the original side of the street. Thus, forcing their mother to start the process all over again.