Back in 2017, famous director Oliver Stone of “U-Turn,” starring Jennifer Lopez, became one of the 263 celebrities, politicians, CEOs and accused of sexual misconduct. Around the same time that a model by the name of “Carrie Stevens accused him of groping her, we reported on a series of photos that had been captured back in 2012 at a red carpet event of the director inappropriately interacting with actress Salma Hayek.

It turns out, Lopez was calling out the director long before we were.

In 1998 the singer and actress conducted an infamous interview that launched quite a stir.

U-Turn / BR8 Creations

Having been featured in a string of successful movies (including the beloved “Selena”), Lopez was a star on the rise and thunder in her belly. She was feeling herself and in an interview with Movieline gave likely the most candid interview in entertainment pre-Quincy Jones’s interview that called out Michael Jackson for being a thief.

During the interview, Lopez talked about Stone’s initially poor treatment of her when she auditioned for a role with him.

“The minute I began reading this long, four-page scene,” she said in the interview, “he started walking around the room. Then he began rearranging the furniture. I’m like, ‘What is he doing? This is so rude.’ Well, he rearranged his entire office, and when I finished, the casting director said, ‘Oliver?’ and he turns and goes, ‘Oh–um, OK. So you’re a regular on that TV series? And I go, ‘Yeah.’ And I left. I told my manager, ‘I’ve never been treated like this and I never want to work for Oliver Stone.'”

When the interviewer asked Lopez what she learned about Oliver Stone’s sensitive side from being directed by him, Lopez apparently let out a “hoot.”

“That he’s a wild man,” she replied. “He doesn’t hide anything when it comes to sex in his life. He loves women, he has a lot of sex. He loves talking about how he sleeps with women. Like he’ll come onto the set going, ‘Aggghh, I was up fucking until four in the morning until I passed out.'”

It’s not the only time Lopez has had to deal with toxic-male behavior while working.

While taking part in an interview on the Tonight Show With Jay Leno in 2005, the talk show host held up a magazine of Blender that featured Lopez on its cover. The singer could be seen wearing a crocheted bodysuit that had cutouts on the sides.

“It looks like you’ve taken up crocheting,” he observed as he held the magazine for the camera and Lopez laughed awkwardly. “It’s a shame you didn’t get a chance to finish the outfit.” Though Lopez plays along with the joke it’s clear she’s uncomfortable with the direction of the interview, but he continues on. “Now you see, could you actually walk in something like that?” He asks her. ” It seems that the minute you move everything would get out of wack?”

“No actually it was pretty comfortable, ” Lopez replies with a straight face.

With Lopez’s discomfort clear in her tone, Leno moved on from the topic but dang. Someone jump into a time machine and give 2005 Jay Leno a lesson on the unwanted comments from men Latinas don’t need to hear.

Check out the video below!

READ: [VIDEO] Resurfaced Clip of Sofia Vergara Being Harassed by Gordon Ramsay and Jay Leno, Still El Peor