Trying to find a Mother’s Day card for your mom that perfectly expresses how much you love and appreciate her is difficult – which is why we made some cards of our own. After all, considering everything she’s done for you, your mom deserves more than just some random, cheesy Hallmark card.

Show these to your mom on el Día de la Madres and see them put a smile on her face.

Here’s the perfect mother’s day card for your mom who is always concerned about your health.

Credit: mitú

If it wasn’t for her telling you this a million times, you would get sick from the flu much more often. She is the best medicine anyone can ever ask for because she is smart.

And if you were raised by a single mom, here’s a card she will love and appreciate.

Credit: mitú

“Thank you for being my mom. Thank you for being my dad. Thank you for being my world.”

These people are the most important people in your life. They will always make sure that you are okay and have everything you need, even it is just emotional support.

After so many years of raising you, today is the day that you can thank your mom for all of the amazing qualities you’ve learned from her along the way.

Credit: mitú

Remember, patience is a virtue. What you never knew was your mom was spending all of that time trying to teach you that patience was a virtue and you kept failing.

So. many. qualities…

Credit: mitú

When people compliment you on how polite and well-mannered you are, you can point to your mom.

Even if you gained these qualities the hard way, you can still thank your mom for her tough love.

Credit: mitú

You have common sense and thick skin. Thank your mom.

After all, everything she does, even if you don’t always like it, is because she loves you.

Credit: mitú

If she didn’t get you in trouble so often, it would mean that she didn’t really care. So every time she yells at you, just remember: she loves you.

So now you can show her how much you appreciate her care and support.

Credit: mitú

If it wasn’t for your mom pushing you, you would’ve given up instead of working harder.

You can also remind her that you’re the one amongst all of your siblings that she loves the most.

Credit: mitú

She knows you’re her favorite. 🙂 After all, you are the only one who really behaves and she told you so.

Or you can keep it simple, and let her know how much you love her in four short words:

Credit: mitú

But to be honest, there really are no words to describe how much you love your mom. She is your best friend, life coach, shoulder to cry on, and biggest cheerleader. Take a moment to let her know how much you love her.

READ: Getting Yelled At By Your Mom Is So Scary, That We Decided To Turn The Things She Says Into Horror Movie Posters