With graduation well underway, many of us are finally stepping out of the world of final exams, multiple choice anything, essays and spending nights studying in the library. All that college craziness is just about to be replaced with something much different: the workforce.

While starting your chosen career can be one of the most exciting times of your life, it can also come with anxiety, struggles and even guilt — especially if you’re first-generation Latino.

Whether you’re embarking on a brand-spanking-new career path, or entered the workforce long ago, you most probably have goals and dreams related to where you see yourself down the line.

But how to get there? While everyone’s career path is different, we decided to compile social media’s top 13 career hacks that will make you more productive, get you a salary raise sooner and make you feel more fulfilled in your daily life.

And when in doubt? A mid-day work cafecito never hurt anybody.

1. Social media addiction, please meet your new mortal enemy: a screen time code you won’t remember or don’t know in the first place. Your time at work just became that much more productive.

2. If your chosen field calls for it, sending out a work-related newsletter will keep your name on everyone’s brain, and might set you up for more opportunities in the long run.

3. Don’t be scared to speak your mind, whether wanting to ask for a raise, or tell your boss about a new idea for your role in the company. Be “shameless.”

4. Many of us first-generation immigrants struggle with guilt around following our dreams, but doing so is the biggest career hack of them all!

5. Keep applying to and changing jobs if you want to boost your salary at record speed.

6. Make a flexible 10-year plan that involves a timeline of how long you want to stay in your new job before moving on to an even better opportunity.

7. Forming a great relationship with your boss will help set you up for the future — especially if you make their life easier at work.

8. Your confidence is the best first impression — and might just get your foot in the door.

9. Meeting a seasoned professional in your field who’s willing to be your mentor and offer advice is one of the best ways to move up quickly in your career. The more you know!

10. On that note, having the right support system as you start your career is crucial — whether that’s your mentor, your family, significant other or your friends.

11. While being an introvert has both its pros and cons, coming out of your shell, networking and connecting with more people in your field can help you attract more opportunities.

12. How to ask for a raise? Pro tip: wait until you’ve just had a huge “win” at work.

13. Another way to up your salary? Wait until you get a promotion at work, then apply to other jobs at the same level. Now it’s just time for some negotiation.