Chiquis Rivera released her new book “Unstoppable,” and wants to inspire others through her story.

“Unstoppable,” which is described as a “part memoir, part affirmation and part life advice,” is where Chiquis takes the center stage sharing her many struggles dealing with her mother’s loss, tuning out the haters and reclaiming the narrative after her high-profile breakups.

mitú sat down with Chiquis to get the exclusive scoop.

Chiquis is setting the record straight — her way.

After living more than half of her life under the spotlight, the public has seen the singer’s many ups and downs: from the devastating loss of her mother, Jenni Rivera, to becoming a Latin GRAMMY award-winning singer, and not to mention, her divorce from Lorenzo Mendez.

Chiquis has navigated life under the spotlight for decades and shares her experiences in this book. She gives readers an intimate look at family, faith, resilience and self-love, as told by her own signature warmth and humor. Since the release of her 2015 New York Times Best Seller “Forgiveness: A Memoir,” Chiquis found it necessary to explain the events that have taken place up until now.

“It was a way of being able to explain things in detail and also helping myself. It was like a form of therapy to just heal, and it really did help me. If I can help other people, even if it’s one person who reads the book, and I can help them from making the same mistakes or even getting out of certain situations, then it’s worth it,” Chiquis shared.

On her relationship with her late mother Jenni Rivera and breaking generational curses.

From her podcast, “Chiquis and Chill” to her new book, Chiquis is becoming more outspoken about her story, specifically as it pertains to her mother-daughter relationship.

“Yes, I talk about my mom in the book, because obviously, my mother is a huge part of my life. Yes, she’s Jenny Rivera, the artist, but also she was my professor of life, and she’s a huge part of my life,” Chiquis shared.

“Some people want to say ‘te estas colgando de la fama de tu mamá.’ No, that’s my mother, and she was my mother, my father, my friend, my everything… I feel more like, ‘Hey, I’m her daughter. I’m the eldest. We went through a lot together…’ So I have a lot to say. She’s a huge part of the woman I am today and the things that I’ve accomplished, but also certain things that I want to be different at, you know what I mean? And break certain generational curses. I explained that also in the book.”

Reclaiming the narrative after her high profile breakups.

Going through a divorce is difficult enough as is, and for Chiquis this involved the extra layer of complexity because her divorce was under public scrutiny. Her relationships are usually seen through a magnifying glass, and Chiquis is no longer letting [social] media opinions slide.

“It was very difficult to sit back for two years and watch so many things being said about my relationship and things being said incorrectly… I didn’t even have the strength to come out and speak about these things and clear them up… I just said, ‘you know what? I’m going to do this my way.’ I was already writing my book in 2019. I was already with my ex during this time when I started writing the book, and then the separation happened. So it became a part of the book… I decided to say my side of the story and say my truth,” Chiquis shared.

Chiquis didn’t want to be a victim of her experiences, which is the heart behind her book, “Unstoppable.”

“In order to not be a victim of your past, you have to be open and honest, and that’s just part of it. I feel like if I can help other women that are in that type of relationship not be in that type of relationship and not ignore red flags… it will keep them from so much pain that sometimes is unnecessary.”

On her latest single, “Quiero Amanecer Con Alguién.”

Chiquis did a modern banda cover on Daniela Romo’s 1989 single with “Quiero Amanecer con Alguién,” which she calls “her first love song.” When she listened to the original, Chiquis felt sexy and empowered, sharing, “It’s how I feel about life right now. I feel worthy of love and worthy of being loved the right way, and this is what the song says, and I hope that it can bring hope to more women and encourage us to not settle.”

And we couldn’t end this without giving a nod to the author herself, who shared the number one reason everyone should go out and read “Unstoppable” *hint, hint* it has something to do with her dedication. “I actually dedicate the book to the person that’s reading it because I also want them to know that, yes, I went through all that, but that doesn’t define who I am and who I’m going to be. If I did it, literally, so can you. If I’m unstoppable, you can be unstoppable as well, and I’m giving you my tools and the things that I have learned and my routines, and how I keep myself sane,” said Chiquis.

Read: In New Podcast, Chiquis Reveals How Her Relationship With Mother Jenni Rivera Deteriorated After Cheating Accusations