Singer and superstar Ricky Martin is in the clear after his nephew, Dennis Yadiel Sanchez, withdrew his initial claims that he and Martin had engaged in a seven-month-long incestuous relationship.

Both Martin and Sanchez appeared in a Puerto Rican court on Thursday, July 21. It was here that Sanchez denied an opportunity to extend the temporary protection order against Martin and asked to have the case officially dismissed.

The court granted Sanchez’s request and freed Martin, who appeared in court virtually according to Rolling Stone, from any further obligations relating to the case.

According to People, a statement released by Martin’s lawyers reads:

“Just as we had anticipated, the temporary protection order was not extended by the Court. The accuser confirmed to the court that his decision to dismiss the matter was his alone, without any outside influence or pressure, and the accuser confirmed he was satisfied with his legal representation in the matter,” adding, “The request came from the accuser asking to dismiss the case.”

They continued, “This was never anything more than a troubled individual making false allegations with absolutely nothing to substantiate them. We are glad that our client saw justice done and can now move forward with his life and his career.”

With concerts scheduled at the Hollywood Bowl on July 22 and 23, as well as his critically-acclaimed new EP, Ricky Martin hasn’t let the allegations slow him down. With the case dropped, Martin can now resume focusing on his career, his family, and the other lawsuit against him by former assistant Rebecca Drucker.

Drucker, who worked for Martin from 2014 to 2018 and then again from 2020 to 2022 according to The Ancestory, is suing Martin for upwards of $3 million dollars, citing “a hostile work atmosphere,” where Martin “mistreated, twisted, and lied to her.”

On June 30, the New York Post covered the 15-page lawsuit filed against Martin, which alleges that “Rebecca Drucker saved Ricky Martin’s career,” adding, “There is just one problem: Martin completely and maliciously refused to pay Rebecca the millions of dollars in commissions that he owes her under their management agreement.”

Drucker also alleged that she protected the singer from a “potentially career-ending allegation” in the fall of 2020. The lawsuit is ongoing.