A Colombian woman has been forced to shave the hair off of her head after a man forced a hat filled with glue onto it. The attack, which occurred in front of the woman’s son, caused her to also suffer from second-degree burns.

Marcela Tascon was attacked last week by an unknown man who forced a corrosive substance on to her head.


According to reports, Tascon was at her home when a man that she did not know rang the doorbell to her apartment building and claimed to be delivering flowers for her. After the man entered the apartment complex, Tascon opened her door. Before the attack, the man asked if she was Marcela Tascon.

“Once at the door of my house, and in front of my eight-year-old son, he threw the flowers at my feet, called me a “son of a b*tch”, and pulled the hat over my head,” Tascon recalled. “He ran away, my son was shouting, very scared, and I rushed to the bathroom to clean up my head and asked my son to call the police or friends.”

Soon after the incident, Tascon was taken to a hospital where she was treated for second-degree burns to her scalp.

“The doctor told me that this kind of attack is very common in Colombia, where it is called “doing the shampoo,” Tascon told Daily Mail. “It is commonly ordered by jealous wives after finding out their husbands had cheated on them or because they envy the other women.”

Doctors at the hospital were forced to shave Tascon’s head in order to properly treat the burns and remove the glue on her hair.

Tascon is the owner of a beauty salon that is located in the same building as her home. She said that prior to the attack, she received suspicious phone calls from a woman with a Colombian accent who asked to make an appointment with her. Tascon says the woman had called her months before asking to come in to do her hair at the salon and to receive the shop’s location.

‘Two weeks later, I saw a suspicious man in my building holding a mobile phone and I asked neighbors if they were expecting a visitor,’ she recalled.

Moments before the attack, Tuscon says that she received another phone call from someone she believes to be the same woman with a Colombian accent. Tascon believes the man had been sent by the woman to attack her. Police investigations have yet to be made and the investigation is ongoing.