Ana Navarro is a Republican who is appalled at the Trump administration. Navarro has not held back in calling out the Trump administration when its decisions have hurt immigrants for no reason. Now, she is revved up for Joe Biden to save the nation from four more years of a Trump administration.

Ana Navarro is gearing up to take down President Donald Trump in the 2020 election.

Navarro first became outspoken against President Trump during the contentious 2016 campaign. She spoke out against his rhetoric that seeded hate in the American public against Latino people. The well-known Republican political pundit voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 in an attempt to save the nation from President Trump.

“It still hurts my heart every time I think of him coming down the escalators and calling Mexicans rapists and criminals,” she told NBC News.

Navarro is known for her unapologetic and no-nonsense approach to political commentary on Twitter.

Navarro is not one to mince words. The political pundit shared her betrayal by the Republican Party because of Trump. In a 2016 op-ed, Navarro spoke out about her disgust against the two political parties, she tried her best to wait it out so that Trump could lose steam. However, she was forced to vote for Hillary Clinton because it was a vote against President Trump.

“I voted against Donald Trump because I am an immigrant. Trump has spent this campaign focusing on the very bad things done by a very small group of very bad immigrants. He has portrayed immigrants as criminals, rapists, and murderers,” Navarro wrote in her piece. “He does not talk about the contributions immigrants have made to America. He does not talk about immigrants who have made this a better and stronger country. He does not talk about the thousands and thousands of immigrant names that fill the Vietnam Wall in Washington or that are carved on so many headstones in every US military cemetery around the world.”

Four years later, Navarro is continuing her charge to get rid of President Trump.

Joe Biden is expected to make his announcement this week about his vice-president pick. There is a lot of talk that the choice is between Senator Kamala Harris and former National Security Adviser Susan Rice. The two Black women are poised to become vice presidents and the nation is waiting for a decision.

With Biden’s VP pick drawing near, Navarro is calling on people to stand up for their values and not fall for Trump’s tricks.

Calling on moments from his past, Navarro is calling on people to not fall for Trump’s racist rhetoric. Navarro is not someone to mess around and speaks her mind on Twitter. As the election gears up, Navarro’s Twitter page will fill with more and more takes on the current administration and their future plans.

Stay tuned as 2020 election coverage grows.

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