Halloween is supposed to be the scariest time of year, but 2020 is a reminder that there are worse things than goblins and ghouls. From Pandemics to unhinged world leaders we’ve seen it all. Recently, we started wondering about this reality and how the concept of being constantly on edge might seem “new” to certain people: men. After all, as women, we know that in parts of a world our bodies are viewed as a threat or something that’s not worth cherishing.

We dug around Reddit to find out what the scariest part of being a woman tends to be for some and found some truly heartbreaking answers.

Check them out below.

“Walking alone to your car at nightlevel.” –smelly_and_stinky

“The fact that I really have no idea which men are going to lash out at me for not reciprocating their attention to me.”- apittsburghoriginal

“Like violently lashing out? I never got that. Like if a girl doesn’t reciprocate engagement..move on. Why get all bent out of shape, it’s not going to make a woman change her mind.” – qpalz11=

“Walking alone in a strange neighborhood… in the dark… thinking of all the ways you could imagine someone kidnapping you… and then selling you… and using you…” – kolett1996

“Dealing with whatever hormones throw at you.” – jecabells

“Men. Night. Men at night.” – girlwiththegoldendog

“Walking alone from the bar to your home drunk in a skirt at night and seeing only drunk men who are stronger than you.” – d-light8

“For me it would be giving birth. I have no kids (yet)…level 2Comment deleted by user.”ch1kita

“An unwanted pregnancy. What if I have sex and use all types of birth control and i STILL get pregnant. Or what happens if I’m raped and I get the morning after pill and for some weird reason it doesn’t work. I live in a liberal state so as long as I make a decision early on, I can get an abortion. But who would I share that information with, without being judged? And what if I’m not in a state that lets me get an abortion, what would happen to me? Every day is a struggle for me, so I fear that I would end up killing myself.” – Ojitheunseen

“You could get an IUD, use normal protection like male/female condoms, and then have the pill and abortion as a fallback. Seems foolproof.” – chaoticneutral_ju

“Pregnancy denial. Like “I haven’t have my periods in two months that’s so cool” and this idea crosses your mind before telling yourself “impossible, I’ve been single for more than nine months, everything ‘s OK.” Or as they said below : having to walk near a group of men at night and not being able to make a detour since they smoke right in front of your residence door.” – chaoticneutral_ju

“I hated the pregnancy and birth part. I had the best care, but I still felt like a piece of meat. I got tired from everyone sticking their hands up my vagina. Blood works. Sonograms. I got tired and exhausted from being in pain in my nether regions. To me, the amount of pain and the potential health risks to me and the baby – it was the scariest part. Having placenta fall out of you like in some National Geographic documentary. And then you have to check out if your blood clots aren’t too large. And when they are, you back into hospital, they push on your underbelly and nibble around in your vagina, to get them out. Argh I’m done. I’m glad I have both of my kids and I’m out of those woods. Fuck that shit.”- TortillasaurusRex