If you’re on Twitter you’ve probably seen quite a few mentions of sleep insomnia stirring about. Despite months of being kept in quarantine, users on Twitter are reporting an increase in their inability to sleep. For some, the lack of Zs can be contributed to anxiety or restlessness thanks to being so cooped up but others don’t really know how to explain it.

Fortunately, Latinas are sharing their tricks for beating insomnia. @alixserna a user on Twitter shared a tip for beating insomnia and we asked Latinas on Instagram how they’re managing to get back to sleep and their answers were pretty enlightening.

Check them out below!

“I take everything out of the sockets that I can take and go direct inside the blankets hoping a lighting doesn’t strike anything near me.” – mariav_sf@yaya_love_312

“Yep! I also close blinds, put on headphones, and sit on the floor. Sometimes there may be a blanket on my head.” – yaya_love_312

“I’m afraid of the floor as well bc I like to stay barefoot and my feet sweat haha. But my floor is wooden, so definitely it wouldn’t be a bad idea.” =mariav_sf@yaya_love_312 

Use a podcast

“I listen to podcasts. That helps with my anxiety and helps me fall asleep.” –erixcii

I listen to sleep stations and set a timer to turn off sound in an hour, instead of having an alarm go off in an hour (scroll all the way to the bottom when setting up alarm the sound on an IPhone.)” – ev.rod_

“I’ll try this thank you! My insomnia is crazy!” – cabronas4theworld

“Calm app!!!” – la_femme_foto

“I downloaded a free app called Slumber they have relaxing sleep stories and meditations for kids/adults. My son and I listen to it together at night. Its helped a lot.”- thickfitgoals


“You can do a Hypnosis sesh!” –erinyvonne

“Also…lower your caffeine intake especially close to bedtime, supplement with a good b vitamin and take a magnesium product like Calm.” – mrs_alvarado_13

“No phone 30minutes before getting into bed. Don’t check notifications as soon you wake up. Say out loud 3 things you’re grateful as you go to sleep/wake up.” – marycarne_

“Headspace app & And I bought eyeshades with Bluetooth headphones in them 🥰 does wonders.”- ashh_burke

Ceiling fans

“I realized i sleep better w my fan on like the highest setting bc of the sound! so i got an app called “bedtime fan” which blasts fan noise & you can set it with a timer so it turns off by itself .” – alexa.r.s

“Restful nights blend @serenitybliss_ my personal favorite.”- alexa.r.s