Happy Solar Return, Taurus! It’s Taurus season y el cuerpo lo sabe because Venus, the planet of leisure and pleasure, rules Taurus and our bodies. Taurus is the expression of desires, virtues, and wealth. Expect a shift in energy as you naturally embody your inner Empress archetype. This Taurus season from April 20th through May 21st, you’ll want to lay the foundation out to attain the dreams you dreamed up this past Aries season in order to create longevity. As the bull of the Zodiac, Taurus understands when to indulge and when to have temperance in order to pave its way along its voyage. 

Taurus is all about the element of Earth. This is the season to go outdoors and embrace Mother Earth. Take time to ground your energy and exert physical activity so you can sacredly reconnect with your body. COVID-19 and the pandemic built a distance between our bodies and natural movement due to the stay-at-home mandates and not being able to spend much time outdoors. Now that Taurus season has arrived, you’ll want to enjoy all five senses: hear, taste, touch, see and smell. Taurus rules all five senses, which makes it the most sensual sign of the Zodiac. 

The Taurus motto? Eat good, live good, because life is good! 

Taurus season will be in full effect by April 20th as Mercury, Venus and Uranus join the Sun in harmony basking in Taurus’ stoic vibes. This is a wonderful time for building out long-term goals and planning in groups. Partner up with like minded individuals and socialize in order to make the best of this Taurus season.

Taurus season is accompanied by a larger-than-life Scorpio full moon on April 26th triggering some major endings and closures. Subsequently followed by a very fitting and dramatic Pluto Retrograde on April 27th. What this collectively brings, is influential behavior centered around personal transformation in our lives. Taurus season is calling you to embrace the life you want to live — rather, the life you’re WORTHY of living. In order to do so, you must release and revisit any skeletal ideas of self that aren’t serving you of your highest good. The Scorpio full moon and Pluto Retrograde this Taurus season will help you usher in this new vision of life. 

Read on for your Taurus season horoscope based on your sun and/or rising signs. 


Aries, just because your birthday season is over doesn’t mean you’re still not booked and busy. You fire signs are going to be focused and productive this Taurus season as you’ll be arranging next steps in attaining all the big plans you set out for yourself during Aries season. The Aries new moon we just wrapped up on April 11th has sparked new creativity within you. You feel you’re getting closer to your dreams. This Taurus season will arm you with the productivity needed to chase those big goals. You’re motivated more than ever and it’s inspiring.


Happy Birthday Taurus babes! Since Uranus has been transiting your natal sign for the past three years creating massive shifts for you. Uranus will be in your sign until 2026 making room for blessings and recognition in your life. You’ve likely been in a workaholic overhaul since 2020, but all that pressure is about to change. This Taurus season you’re seeing the fruits of your labor and you deserve this feeling of accomplishment. People consider Taureans lazy, but you’re quite the opposite. You’re extremely hard working individuals who know how to make things happen for yourself! *clap back* Taurus, enjoy your season and live a little! You have big changes on the horizon in your professional front so be sure to relax and rest. You are shining bright this year. Enjoy it. 


Geminis, if you’re feeling unusually worried about money, this is totally normal this Taurus season. In fact, you’re going to be fixated on making more money this season. However, the true silverlining amidst this paranoia is that it’s teaching you better money management skills. Investing in yourself and investing in other financial lucrative areas will be a major theme at this time. There could be some fluxes in income, but ride the wave. This unpredictable energy will diminish once you get past the Scorpio full moon on April 26th. Nature will be extremely helpful and therapeutic for the next month. 


Mars enters your sign on April 23rd creating this build-up of energy that convinces you subconsciously to accomplish more and faster. Slow down, Cancer. You are exactly where you need to be. You’re doing your best and your best is enough. Taurus rules the throat chakra and thyroid. You might experience some tenderness in your throat at this time as you learn to express yourself more freely come Taurus season. You’ll be breaking away from your stereotypical clammed-up self and transition into a more liberated social communicator as you learn to value the significance of self-expression. However, be mindful of harsh communication and irrational responses as Mars is the planet of aggression and war. He will be encouraging you to take action where needed, but use Taurus’ earthly energy to ground your motives before movement. 


You might be finding yourself gravitating to HGTV and home improvement this Taurus season. Leo, you’re not typically one to feng shui your home, but you’re feeling this new vibe of making your home your temple. Invest in creating the energy you need in your living space, but be mindful of overspending on luxurious items. This is a season of practicality for you. Yes, money flows to you freely. Yet, you still want to make sure you’re keeping an eye on spending habits. There could also be an opportunity to lend money to a family member during this transit. If you have the means you’ll want to karmically do it. On the flipside, know when to set boundaries. Boundaries will be highlighted the next few weeks. 


You’re itching for adventure. Taurus is usually the energy of setting up shop and planting roots. Taurus encourages immobility if comfort is superior. However, you’re doing the complete opposite this Taurus season and planning for an adventure. Plan that road trip or go on that out-of-the-norm escapade. It’ll pay off as it rejuvenates your need for spontaneity. Many think Virgos are rigid. You’re not. As a mutable sign, you’re down for keeping things fresh. This is a wonderful time to create new hobbies and pursue new projects. Love can be expected this season as well. 


Libra, fellow Venus sister to Taurus. You don’t mind when Taurus season comes around because you thrive in this energy. As a sign that needs balance, but doesn’t seem to know how to move past their own indecisive energy, the upcoming Scorpio full moon and Pluto Retrograde might throw you for a loop. You’re an air sign afterall. Go with the flow, you truly know how to step into that energy when needed. Don’t resist any endings the next month. You’ll be undergoing a serious spiritual transformation the next few weeks. Also, get your health in order. Take inventory of unnecessary vices. We all have our vices, but you’re being called to tidy up your headquarters of habitual coping mechanisms. Any bad habits will be hard to release, but easy to confront at this time. Releasing is therapeutic. Self-care is self-love. 


This Taurus season is going to be major for you, Scorpio. Taurus is your sister-sign in astrology. Being that you’re both fixed signs, it’s a time for you to work on adaptability and embodying your mutable cousins of the Zodiac. You won’t have a harsh crashing of reality this Scorpio full moon April 26th. In fact, this will be a big full moon that brings a lot of harmony and rewards your way. You could be wrapping up a big cycle in your life. Your relationship sector will need some attention and affection. Whether you’re single or in a committed connection, you’re definitely going to be focused on the people in your life and where they fit moving forward. The Pluto Retrograde on April 27th will slow you down energetically. Take your time and don’t get frustrated as things might not go as planned. Allow yourself to move slow. Your productivity doesn’t equate to your self-worth. Carry on and Godspeed, Scorpio. 


Sag, you’re going to be feeling the most sensuous out of the Zodiac signs. Unleash your inner sex icon this Taurus season. You might be wondering why you feel so frisky and sexually liberated, Sag. Taurus season is activating your need for pleasure. Follow it and indulge in it. Sexual exploration can lead to personal liberation and ultimate empowerment. Don’t let society shame you from your dark side of your femininity. Aside from the physical, debt and taxes are going to be top of mind for you. Be sure to get all your financials in order. Hire that CPA or accountant if need be. 


Money is looking good for you this season, Cap. After a possible rough year of finances, your funds are shaping up. You could even receive an unexpected windfall of money in some way. The cosmos are on your side financially. Travel is up for discussion this month. Need to take a trip? Do it. This trip will bring about some sort of spiritual revelation for you. Taurus season is giving you a reboot in energy. While other signs might be slowing down and halting for insight, you’re zipping around with ample energy. Use this energy to plan for the next six months. The plans you build out this Taurus season will set the tone for the way you finish out 2021.


There’s so much going on and you can’t seem to hold on. Aquarius, you’ve been a busy bee all of 2021. Looks like your career will be taking off and creating ample stability for you. You’ll be picking up jobs and projects thanks to Taurus’ steady energy. This season is creating opportunities for you. If you’re looking to leave your current profession and transition, now is the time. You’ll receive a wonderful opportunity for a new job. If you’re loving where you’re at professionally, expect an increase in money or recognition, Aquarius. This Taurus season is allowing you to take center stage. Your confidence is your guiding light. Pride is the predecessor of isolation. This is a time for you to bring others along with you in your good fortune. May you manifest wisely.


Your friends have become your family and you’re starting to notice that. Friendships are taking a big hit this month. You might have to let go of old connections that aren’t reciprocating the energy you’re giving, Pisces. Don’t feel guilty about this. As an empath, you’re emotionally intelligent and aware of other’s needs. However, this Taurus season is asking you to build new habits. Habits that help you stand in your power. You might notice at this time you have influence over people. This could be in the workplace or among your groups. People see you as a leader Pisces. You are a people person nonetheless. You’re feeling empowered and reckless all at once. Take time to reassess your intentions with your motives as Taurus’ selfish tendencies can cloudy logic. Be strong in your beliefs, but be kind with your motives. It’s time to step up for yourself. You can do this!