Users Shared The Best Sex Advice They Ever Got And Get Ready For Some Fun!
So you’re in quarantine, holed up at home all day, and the sex (either with your partner or quarantine buddy) is getting tedious. Likely this has nothing to do with your mate but a whole heck of a lot do with your current pandemic stress. And we get it, having sex under pressure (particularly when every day is uncertain) can be kind of a hard thing to do.
Fortunately, we came across a few threads on Reddit with some helpful tips not only on how to spice things up, but also how to do things the right way.
Check out some of the best pieces of sex advice Reddit users have received below.
“Sister in-law told us to ditch the PJs and sleep naked. Frequency of sex increased almost immediately.” – Smartyandfarty
“There was a story on reddit where this guy said a girl his dad pointed out was out of his league abd the dad said something like ‘Son, let her decide if she won’t fuck you.’ Pretty good advice.” – Pakyul
“Cut your finger nails.”- Reddit user=
“Making it fun is usually the answer to whatever happens in bed.” – TalkingFromTheToilet
“70-year-old give-no-fucks biology teacher at a Catholic High School: ‘Ladies never trust the man. Use a diaphragm.'” –kalechipsyes
“I tell my kids, “If you think getting a condom ruins the mood, imagine what a crying baby will do for it.” – AFuddyDuddy
“Tell him exactly what you want him to do – a guy I was casually seeing. After two long term relationships (3 Years & 4 years) with 0 orgasms, this little tip made orgasms regular with my current BF. Seems obvious, but I know lots of other women who have experienced something similar.” – FluffyRadcliffe
“Always use a condom, otherwise you have an accident and have to name it.” –Drulock
“Stop trying to **** **** like they do in porn. Find your own style and comfort level and it’s a win/win. I used to be so awkward and now I actually enjoy doing it. Also enjoying it is half the battle. Men like it much more when there’s some enthusiasm!”- Daisy716
“No teeth, lots of slobber, make it look really fun, and do it for him regularly.” – Girlwhofliesoften
“Don’t be afraid to discuss what you like and don’t like in bed, including weird kinks. Never gonna live that fantasy out of your partner doesn’t even know about it.” – EpicBlinkstrike187
“Strap on. Get one.” – pancakemixes
“Yo, imma let you finish, but the spiderman finger position is the best fingering position of all time!” –FlowersOfSin
“I suggest looking at the lyrics to the song “lick it” by God-des and She. Have fun.” – sugartea
“I’m a woman and I recognize this might seem self explanatory to others but to me it took some talking out. Move! Literally just move! Friction feels good and a lot of men will be very surprised and impressed if you actively participate in the sexing, by moving your hips back and forth, touching them, etc. Surprise! Men like a partner that doesn’t lay there like a fish! I regrettably used to lay very still and let him “have his way with me”. While sexy in theory, no one wants to fuck a dead fish. My ex-boyfriend gave me this advice while we were fucking.” – ExoticNoodle
“Start very slowly and look at her the whole time.”- IngridDruslan
“You have to feel it out. There is no tutorial for sex. It’s practice. The best thing that you can do is to do what you might want done to you, at the same time take in how she’s enjoying it. The no.1 thing that’s horny about sex is the getting to know each other. I’ve been in situations where I had no clue what I was doing when I was young but my energy was enough to make them cum, if not my skill. Just feel it out.”- gemaliasthe1st
“My only tip is to not take it so seriously. If you fumble or feel awkward, just laugh about it. Have fun and take it easy. Even if neither of you orgasm, the important part is that you both enjoy it.” – astroboletos